The Nurture® Program is about parents helping parents through the use of technology and text messaging. Parents use their mobile phones to ask questions and receive information from their mentor just when they need it. Mentors easily send and receive text messages using our custom software program to answer parents’ questions and provide information, along with activities for parents and babies to do together.

The software program contains mobile friendly links to evidence-based information and local resources that our mentors add to text messages. The information and resources are designed to promote the social emotional development of young children. Based on a parent’s needs at the time, mentors may share referral information for medical, mental health, or developmental issues. Perhaps equally important, mentors provide a sense that someone cares at a time when the parents themselves may need emotional support.

The efficiency of the software program allows mentors to support 10-15 parents in just  1-2 hours per week, total. This remote opportunity allows mentors to text with their mentees when it works with their schedules.

Mentors are supervised by Nurture® Program managers, who are credentialed in early child development. The managers provide ongoing support for mentors to answer their questions and share additional information and resources.